These kits are meant to be used with Sarah Schira's newest gnome pattern, Snow Matter What, MKAL 13. The kits include one set of 4 mini skeins.
Please note that kits do not include the pattern, which can be purchased separately from Imagined Landscapes.
All about the MKAL here
WINNER WINNER TURKEY DINNER What's there to say about this delicious colourway? Well, it manages to be both classic Christmas colours, and also a bit of a surprising inspiration for them. Christmas dinner at it's finest, although feel free to change up your views on the inspiration... Vegetarian? Call it Tofurkey. Don't eat this particular Christmas dinner? Call it Santa and his Elves. Don't celebrate Christmas? Well, just call it colours you love then.
C1 Gravy Brown
C2 Mashed Potato White
C3 Cranberry Red
C4 Green Bean Green
BUMBLEBERRY PIE, OH MY The name Bumbleberry just had gnome written all over it, don't you think? The berries are the big inspiration behind this colourway, with a bit of crust and of course ice cream thrown in to finish it off. Mmmmm.... just make sure you don't accidentally eat the yarn...
C1 Blueberry Blue
C2 Vanilla Ice Cream White
C3 Pie Crust Brown
C4 Raspberry Red (which is really more of a purple, once the raspberries and blueberries bake and blend together for an hour...)
LOOKY, LOOKY, CHRISTMAS COOKIE Now this colourway was fun to make. I drew colour inspiration from the gnome graphic from Imagined Landscapes, and dyed it up on this beautiful sparkle base. The sparkle is hard to see in pictures, but so lovely in person.
C1 Silver
C2 White
C3 Light Aqua
C4 Dark Aqua
MULLED WINE, FEELING FINE I admit that I have never actually had mulled wine before this year, but who am I to say no when inspiration hits?!? This colourway is going to make a bright, cheery, statement sort of gnome. One who proudly shows of the bright colours of oranges and wine, while still keeping all the cozy vibes of evenings by the fire.
C1 Cinnamon Brown
C2 White
C3 Orange
C4 Wine
BUFFALO PLAID This classic winter plaid brings up all the right feels for a December gnome. Rugged, tweedy, and ready to be gnit up while you snuggle under a blanket, preferably with hot chocolate in hand... or maybe a hot toddy...
The yarn set is dyed on a non-superwash tweed base with beautiful big black tweed neps for a rustic look and feel.
C1 Black
C2 White
C3 Red
C4 Grey

a December mystery gnome event to knit Mr. Gnightley
Countdown the days of December with the folks of the Grimblewoods! Wee knitting updates to knit Mr. Gnightley, as well as stories, recipes, and surprises.
It’s almost Longest Gnight but there hasn’t been a single snowflake fluttering in the sky. The Grimblewoods are a dreary, frozen brown landscape, and the gnomes are getting worried. Without snow in the darkest days, the light doesn’t reflect very well and houses and hearts seem darker this year. The littlest gnomes are especially anxious – how will the Gnome of the Gnorth light lanterns on Longest Gnight if his sleigh can’t slide speedily through the snow?
You’ll get: